Monday, December 29, 2008

Natural Cancer Remedies that Work.

What Alternative Doctors Do When Their Loved Ones Get Cancer

After surgery and chemotherapy failed,
this doctor’s son returned home
to spend his last days with his family.

Instead, his dad helped him find a medical miracle!

Give yourself as much as a 98 percent chance of beating cancer. . .

With this exciting new treatment – PLUS nine other
little-known remedies that are saving thousands of lives.

Dear Reader,

You can survive and cure cancer. In fact, it can almost be a sure thing... if you know what to do.

Dr. Stanley R. Olsztyn is a medical doctor who also practices alternative medicine. That was a very lucky thing for his son, Mark, who had a tumor the size of a walnut removed from his brain in 1993. Things seemed okay for five years. But in 1998 a second tumor was found, much more malignant than the first one.

What happened instead was a medical miracle

Mark’s dad, the doctor, had learned about one of the newest concepts in nutritional supplements. It’s a patented compound that’s only been around since 1995.

Give it a few more years, and it might put the American cancer industry out of business! All the surgery, radiation, and poisonous chemotherapy may become a thing of the past. You see...

Your body can fix itself!

Establishment medicine has figured out that cancer is often caused by DNA gone haywire. Our DNA is damaged all the time by free radicals, toxins, pollutants and other attackers – every minute of every day!

Yet most of us don’t get cancer. Thanks to one of nature’s wonders, DNA can repair itself most of the time. It’s when your cells lose this ability to fix themselves that cancer follows.

Let me repeat, this is sound science, accepted by the medical establishment. What the medical establishment won’t accept is the discovery Dr. Olsztyn recommended to his son...

A revolutionary new supplement
that can repair damaged, cancer-prone DNA

This alternative health breakthrough combines several natural nutrients that help DNA repair itself. Then it binds them together with another nutrient that can travel anywhere in the body, even past the “blood-brain barrier” that keeps many nutrients out. This unique feature is protected by patent.

It’s as if the vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the supplement hitch a ride on an all-terrain vehicle that can go anywhere!

Mark was feeling so sick from chemotherapy that he decided to stop and take only the treatment his father recommended.

Five years later, Mark is still alive
With no trace of brain cancer!

The new supplement is the only treatment Mark Olsztyn has taken all that time. His only contact with conventional cancer treatment has been diagnostic MRIs.

Mark’s story is not the only one. Sarah Jones, a Denver woman, was diagnosed with breast cancer. And like Mark Olsztyn, she’s lucky enough to have an alternative health expert in the family – her husband Bob, a renowned inventor of medical equipment.

Sarah refused all conventional cancer treatments. She even refused a biopsy, because she knew biopsies may spread cancer. Instead, Bob Jones did some research and learned about the same treatment Dr. Olsztyn recommended for his son.

Within six months of beginning treatment, Sarah found her malignant breast tumor had shrunk by two-thirds. And here’s another dramatic case history. . .

“What are you doing scuba diving?
You’re supposed to be dead!”

Ken Walker, a 67-year-old clergyman, tells a story that’s even more amazing. Ken was the victim of a deadly cancer that ravages the bones. Nine out of ten patients with this disease die within two years.

“I had this terrible bone pain in my head, spine, ribs, and all over,” Rev. Walker recalls. “I felt just terrible pain and needed to sleep all the time to escape it. I took pain pills and assorted sleeping pills.”

Ken’s oncologist (cancer specialist) told him the disease would kill him in three months if he didn’t submit to chemotherapy.

Ken defied the odds – not to mention his doctor

He started taking the revolutionary new supplement that saved Mark and Sarah.

Twenty months later the “dead man” was scuba diving in Aruba!

“Today, this same oncologist advises me that if I was visiting him for the first time, he would not suspect cancer had ever been present,” says Rev. Walker. He declares...

“The treatment I researched on my own saved me”

Can the new breakthrough prevent cancer as well as reverse it? Very likely. There’s a long-term study underway to find out. Meanwhile, we know this for sure: It’s completely safe, and bursting with vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are known to be good for you.

I’m taking it myself for prevention.

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

And who am I? My name is Morton Walker. I’m a doctor of podiatric medicine, but I stopped seeing patients decades ago. Instead, I spend full time investigating the claims and discoveries in alternative medicine and reporting what I find to folks like you.

I’ve published 80 books – and 3,000 articles – on all aspects of alternative medicine. I have no connection to any of the doctors or clinics I’m telling you about, and I have no financial interest in any supplement company.

There’s only one thing I’m interested in, and that’s reporting important health news to you as honestly as I can. That’s what I do in a new Special Report called Natural Cancer Remedies that Work.

It gives you all the details on the new supplement I describe above – it’s Cancer Remedy #8 in the Special Report -- plus nine other natural cancer therapies that are almost unknown in North America, even to alternative doctors. Put this information to work and you can...

Give yourself as much as a 98 percent chance of beating cancer!

That’s the success rate a distinguished German doctor told me he’s achieved with Cancer Remedy #2 in your copy of Natural Cancer Remedies that Work.

What’s more, you can safely take this rare plant extract for cancer prevention so you never end up a cancer patient. The report tells you where to order.

I know what I’m talking about, because my own beloved wife took this rare natural plant extract and held off a recurrence of her breast cancer. I’ve met the doctor who discovered Cancer Remedy #2, toured his clinic and talked to his patients.

And since I’m a medical journalist myself, no one’s going to pull the wool over my eyes – much less get me to recommend a treatment to my own wife unless it’s backed by solid science and clinical evidence with real-life patients. Like this amazing therapy...

An American doctor found this cancer cure 137 years ago.
But today it’s banned in America.

That doesn’t stop alternative doctors. If they or their loved ones are diagnosed with cancer, they get on a plane and fly wherever they have to go to get this treatment.

That’s what a Connecticut nutritionist did when she was diagnosed with a large, malignant breast tumor. Her doctor determined it was an aggressive cancer that was growing very fast.

But thanks to her knowledge of alternative medicine, the nutritionist knew where to go when she needed help herself.

She headed for the German clinic
that cured as many as 98 out of 100 cancer patients!

In an exclusive interview, the nutritionist told me, “I’m well informed about German alternative cancer treatments – having referred American patients to that country’s clinics frequently.”

Before she left the States, she had a lumpectomy – meaning removal of the tumor, not the whole breast. But after that, she refused the follow-up radiation her U.S. surgeon recommended.

Instead, the German doctors treated her with Cancer Remedy #2 -- the rare plant extract I recommended to my wife, PLUS an even more exciting anti-cancer therapy – Cancer Remedy #1 in my Special Report.

After a few weeks of treatment she was able to return home, and...

She’s been cancer-free for over seven-and-a-half years.

. . .No thanks to the American cancer industry. You see, Cancer Remedy #1 was discovered in America 137 years ago. But the people who pioneered this treatment decades later were literally run out of the country by the FDA. You can’t get it here. Period.

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

The story starts back in 1868 when an American M.D. named Peter Busch noticed something very interesting: A 43-year-old woman experienced a “spontaneous” cancer cure after a strep infection had given her a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

Dr. Busch wrote up his findings, but nobody noticed for 25 years. Then in 1883 a surgeon named William Coley came across Dr. Busch’s report. He was so intrigued he decided to try some experiments on lab animals that had cancer. In fact, he was so intrigued he carried on his lab tests for more than 20 years.

When he finally published his results in 1906, they were nothing short of amazing: He could cure cancer in animals just by giving them bacterial infections that cause a full-body fever.

High fever makes cancers disappear.

Research shows it works on humans, too.

Three medical scientists examined 450 cases of “spontaneous” cancer remission and found that one-third of the patients had experienced high fevers!

What’s more, doctors these days don’t infect you with bacteria to give you a fever. That can be hazardous. Now they have safe, high-tech ways to raise your body temperature for an hour or two till the cancer cells are kaput. It worked for the nutritionist with breast cancer I mentioned earlier.

Famous German actress sings its praises – literally!

Using these safe new techniques, doctors in foreign clinics achieve cancer miracles. You’ll find out how they do it in my Special Report, Natural Cancer Remedies that Work.

A German physician, Dr. Friedrich Douwes, told me the story of one of his patients, a famous European actress who was near death.

Ovarian cancer had spread to her liver and lungs, despite years of chemotherapy. She could barely speak because her vocal cords were paralyzed. Like many cancer patients, she turned to alternative medicine only when her case looked hopeless.

After less than a year of high-body-temperature treatments, every sign of cancer was gone – from her liver, ovaries, lungs, everywhere. She could act and sing again and went back on stage.

In fact, she was so grateful she performed a one-woman musical for Dr. Douwes, the clinic staff and all the patients, with reporters and TV crews in attendance!

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

Highest remission rate of any known cancer treatment

Vera de Winter, Ph.D., is a leading authority on cancer treatment. In an exclusive interview, she told me, “From application of such elevated heat, the average remission rate for patients with advanced stages of cancer is 80 percent. There is no other treatment modality known with such a high remission rate.”

I’d like to underline that phrase “advanced stages.” She’s talking about the toughest cancer cases, not the easier, early-stage stuff.

During the past seven years, and working with thousands of patients, Dr. Douwes has achieved an 80 percent success rate on a wide range of advanced cancers, including liver, lung, bone, colon, stomach and others. But the news gets even better...

Nine out of ten men can reverse prostate cancer
without drugs or surgery

That’s the success rate Dr. Douwes told me he was racking up with his prostate cancer patients. The body-heat treatment also works on BPH – benign prostate hypertrophy (enlargement).

Can you imagine what would happen if these non-drug, non-radiation, non-chemotherapy treatments became widely known and available here in North America?

Big drug companies and hospitals would lose billions! No wonder they fight to keep them away from you.

Find out what really kills cancer cells

If a high fever can cure cancer, imagine what else the American cancer establishment doesn’t know or won’t tell you.

It’s a plain fact that cancer tumors disappear all the time, for no apparent reason. Conventional doctors call it “spontaneous” remission.

Spontaneous, my foot! Turn to Cancer Remedy #10 in my Special Report, Natural Cancer Remedies that Work, and learn...

What four out of five “spontaneous”
cancer cures have in common

In one study of cancer patients who experienced spontaneous remission, more than four out of five had changed their diet! 87% of them, to be exact. And 65% of them took supplements!

My chapter on Cancer Remedy #10 reveals a diet plan that has saved thousands of lives over the last 70 years, according to many witnesses.

The program sure worked for Gerald, who was 54 when his doctor told him he had a malignant melanoma – the most serious type of skin cancer. Within ten days after the diagnosis, the disease had spread to 20 or 30 spots on his chest and back. Doctors told him his case was basically hopeless.

A year after starting the special “Cancer Remedy #10 diet,” Gerald was cancer-free.

Fourteen years after his diagnosis he was still alive, with no sign of a return of the melanoma. He credited Cancer Remedy #10 with saving his life. And he’s just one of thousands.

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

You’re being denied life-saving information:
There’s no need to be scared of cancer anymore

The government and the medical establishment in North America are so hostile to natural cancer therapies, even alternative doctors shy away from the subject. It’s too risky. They could lose their licenses or even go to jail.

Some of these therapies are unavailable here. Others can be purchased here, but few doctors dare tell you about them for fear of lawsuits or FDA intimidation.

I’ve checked the writings of some of America’s most famous alternative doctors. At most, they mention only one or two of the ten revolutionary natural cancer treatments that I cover -- in depth -- in this Special Report.

I can safely reveal this amazing information only because I’m protected by freedom of speech. I’m now a journalist. If I were still treating patients or selling these remedies, I could be in hot water!

So please listen to me. If you want to prevent cancer, survive cancer, or cure cancer, please get one thing straight. . .


Thirty years of testing and
15,000 patients prove it works

Dr. Helmut G. Keller (now retired) was the head of the German clinic that treated the Connecticut nutritionist – and he’s the man who discovered Cancer Remedy #2. The Connecticut woman took this rare plant extract for seven-and-a-half years and remained cancer-free.

Dr. Keller discovered the rare plant by sheer chance, in a flower shop where he’d stopped to buy his wife a bouquet. It’s a fascinating story. You’ll learn the details in my Special Report.

Merely from observing the plant there in the shop, he figured it must possess an advanced type of immune system that could tell the difference between harmful intruders and its own cells.

Turns out he was right! He now has more than three decades of lab analysis, clinical investigation, and treatment of about 15,000 cancer patients to back him up. This plant is packed with 17 different substances that boost your immune system.

Kills three-fourths of leukemia cells in 72 hours

Dr. Keller’s clinic achieved remarkable success with leukemia victims as well as people with lung, cervical, bladder and breast cancers.

European in vitro studies suggest the plant extract reduces or totally obliterates cancer cells.

The lab scientists who conducted these studies report that the extract kills nearly 75 percent of leukemia cells in only 72 hours. . .two-thirds of ovarian cancer cells in 48 hours. . .half of human brain cancer cells in seven days. . .65 percent of sarcoma cells in 72 hours.

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

The man who could have any cancer treatment
in the world chose this one

President Reagan took this plant extract for years after his 1985 operation to remove colon polyps. He could afford the best, and he chose Dr. Keller’s discovery! Shouldn’t you find out about it, too? It’s Cancer Remedy #2 in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer, you’ll want this information right away. Time is of the essence.

Dr. Keller told me his herbal remedy is much more successful in the early stages of cancer – before the patient receives chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

You take absolutely no risk when you decide to take a look at Natural Cancer Remedies that Work. If you feel the report isn’t what you expected, just let us know during the first eight weeks and you’ll receive a full refund, no questions asked.

Cancer Remedy #9:
JFK’s personal physician cured his
own colon cancer with this herbal blend

Cancer Remedy #9 in my Special Report was “discovered” in the 1930s. But Native Americans may have used it for hundreds of years. It’s an herbal tea that a medicine man of the Ojibway tribe revealed to a Canadian woman.

At one time the medical establishment actually came close to accepting this natural cure. The opportunity was fumbled, but even so, there’s less controversy surrounding Remedy #9 than some treatments I’ve mentioned. It has a seven-decade safety record and is credited with thousands of cures.

President John F. Kennedy’s personal physician and trusted friend, Charles Brusch, M.D. (now deceased) provided this remedy to cancer patients at his Massachusetts clinic.

In a 1990 affidavit, Dr. Brusch said, “I endorse this therapy even today, for I have in fact cured my own cancer, the original site of which was the lower bowel. . .My last complete examination, where I was examined throughout the intestinal tract while hospitalized for a hernia problem, no sign of malignancy was found.”

Dr. Brusch said, “The results we obtained with patients of various races, genders, and ages with all types of cancer definitely proves [the herbal blend] to be a cure for cancer.”

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

Ian’s son-in-law, a doctor,
steered him to this Native American remedy

Ian Coopersworth, a Canadian, learned he had a frightening PSA count of 68 (under 4 is considered safe). Sure enough, a biopsy confirmed Ian had prostate cancer. And sure enough, an orthodox urologist advised him to have his prostate removed.

But Ian said “no” to surgery – and “no” to a lifetime of impotence and incontinence.

Fortunately, his daughter’s husband was a physician who took an interest in alternative medicine. The doctor advised his father-in-law about various natural remedies, including Cancer Remedy #9.

Ian started drinking the Native American herbal tea and slashed his PSA count from 68 to zero! His prostate tumor literally dissolved and he became totally cancer-free.

This herbal tea – available in any health food store – could save your life. Ian Coopersworth’s miracle has been repeated for thousands of people over many decades.

Cancer Remedy #6:
Allen G. shrank his liver tumor 90 percent --
after his doctor gave up on him

After six years of chemotherapy, Allen G.’s doctor told him his case was hopeless. The chemo was no longer working and Allen’s liver cancer was inoperable because the tumor was wrapped around a vital blood vessel.

Four years later, Allen was healthy again after using alternative therapies, including Cancer Remedy #6, the powdered extract of a certain mushroom. Allen learned about the mushroom extract through his own research, and he can tell you all about it. He found nearly 400 studies.

Amazingly, Allen’s liver cancer shrank to less than ten percent of its original size. His CEA cancer marker fell more than two-thirds, from 296 to 97.9.

Lung cancer disappeared in six months
with “magic mushroom” extract

Martha I.’s story is even more dramatic. She had cancer at two sites in her lungs, and it was spreading. Like many cancer patients, she turned to alternatives only when orthodox treatments were no longer effective.

The nutritional program she started – including the powdered mushroom extract – completely cleared up her lung tumors in six months.

Her caregiver, Dr. Steven Bailey, said, “Seeing her current progress, orthodox medicine probably would declare this patient to be cured.”

My Special Report tells you where to order the “magic mushroom powder.”

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

Give yourself four times the chance of survival –
with no additional risk!

Many cancer patients believe they must submit to conventional cancer therapies like surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. I understand. It’s a difficult decision.

But here’s more good news: you can use many of the natural cancer treatments in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work right along with conventional treatments. You don’t have to make a tough choice. You can tackle cancer with natural and conventional medicine at the same time! In fact...

There’s evidence the natural remedies
make the conventional treatments more effective.

In one study, lung cancer patients who took the mushroom extract along with radiation or chemotherapy survived AT FOUR TIMES THE RATE of those who received only the conventional treatments.

That’s a big difference, just for taking a natural food that can’t do you any harm. What’s more, practicing doctors say the mushroom reduces nasty side effects of chemotherapy such as fatigue and nausea.

Cancer remedy #1 – the high-body-temperature therapy – has been used with great success in combination with radiation and chemotherapy. A study showed it takes a lot less radiation to kill the cancer cells if the patient is “pre-heated.”

Your Special Report reveals the addresses, phone numbers and websites of foreign clinics where you or a loved one can receive the best of alternative AND conventional medicine.

Fight cancer three or four ways at once

The news you’ll receive in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work is so exciting I wish I could grab every cancer victim in the world and tell them all about it! You probably won’t hear about these treatments from a doctor. But you can purchase some of them – legally – right here in North America if you know where to go.

What’s more, you can often use more than one remedy at a time. That means you can spread your bets over three or four different natural cancer solutions. You don’t have to count on just one.

Beyond vitamins and minerals:
Improve your odds of preventing cancer
with herbs nearly unknown in the U.S.

Many doctors, including me, take one or more of the supplements you’ll discover in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work. We don’t take them because we have cancer. We take them to prevent it.

That’s a bold statement. I say it because I have confidence in the preventive powers of many of these substances. I know they’ve helped thousands.

If you follow the advice in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work, I believe you may never need to fight cancer.

You won’t have to fight cancer if you never get it!

As you’ll discover in the Special Report, the people who discover, prescribe, and manufacture these remedies often take the remedies themselves and give them to their own families. Let me give you a real-life example...

Cancer Remedy #5 is an all-around immune-system booster that’s also one of nature’s most powerful painkillers. The Polynesians who discovered it thousands of years ago call this plant “the painkiller tree” or “the headache bush.”

Dr. Daniel Dugi is a medical doctor who practices in Texas. He recommended this remedy to his father, who had a small lung tumor removed. That was ten years go, and the cancer hasn’t returned.

Dr. Dugi says Cancer Remedy #5 works for his own arthritis pain. When he stops taking it, the pain returns. When he resumes taking it, the pain goes away. “So now I personally stay on the capsules all the time,” he told me in an interview. “I employ it for treatment of hypertension, cancer, inflammatory arthritis, systemic lupus...”

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

Given five months to live, she shocked her doctors!

Mary Anne L.’s conventional doctors gave her five months to live. Her breast cancer had come back three times in ten years. Now it had spread to her liver and elsewhere. Chemotherapy no longer helped.

Did this Oregon woman give up? No way! She took the advice of a close friend, an ophthalmologist named John D. Flaxel, and went to Dr. Douwes’s cancer clinic in Germany. Like many alternative cancer specialists, Dr. Douwes employs a battery of remedies, depending on what’s best for the patient.

With Mary Anne, he used high-body-temperature therapy – PLUS “the painkiller tree” – the plant you’ll find in my Special Report as Cancer Remedy #5.

I received a heartwarming note from Dr. Flaxel, Mary Anne’s friend back in Oregon. “This woman looks and feels the best that she has in years,” he wrote me. Her liver tumors had disappeared, other cancer sites were shrinking, her cancer markers were returning to normal.

Her conventional doctor “can’t believe it,” according to Dr. Flaxel. “I hold a recent medical report documenting her improvement, and it verifies her progress toward complete healing.”

Cancer Remedy #4:
recommended by a Nobel Laureate,
used by 65,000 Cancer Patients,
unavailable in America

The Chinese learned about Cancer Remedy #4 from a Swedish M.D., Bjorn E.W. Nordenstrom – a man who’d won the Nobel Prize! Now it’s used in more than 800 hospitals throughout China, and in European clinics as well.

This safe treatment requires no surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Doctors have used it clinically on more than 65,000 patients worldwide. A Chinese study of 4,000 cancer patients showed a partial or complete remission rate of more than 80 percent.

Do you see? You can beat cancer! Clinics outside the U.S. achieve 80 percent success or better in treating advanced cancers. But why settle for that?

Here’s a way you can boost your chances up to 98 percent...

Early detection is essential – and now it’s easy!

Tragically, too many patients try alternative medicine only in the late stages of their illness – after their immune systems have been shattered by radiation and chemotherapy. “All of these [chemotherapy] drugs have one thing in common,” writes Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D., “they are poisonous. They work because they’re poisons.”

And it’s unnecessary. All that horrible suffering could be avoided.

Dr. Helmut Keller boasts a success rate up to 98 percent in treating small cancers. The key is to use treatments that build your immune system -- like the ones in this report...

...and do it EARLY, BEFORE you resort to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. The sooner you get started, the better.

Establishment doctors will tell you it’s hard to spot cancer early, when the tumors are very small.

Phooey! They’re wrong. In Natural Cancer Remedies that Work, I’ll show you how to detect cancers up to 19 months before conventional medicine can find them. Then you can get started with the natural remedies.

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

Order your own personal copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work

There’s so much more I’d like to tell you about the ten therapies in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work. But I can’t do that here. You’ll find everything you need to know in this special on-line report. . . and you can get your own electronic PDF copy for just $29.95.

PLUS, if you feel that Natural Cancer Remedies that Work isn’t what you expected, just contact us during the first eight weeks and receive a FULL REFUND, no questions asked.

The Special Report gives you addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and websites for...

Cancer Remedy #1: The “high fever” cure that was discovered 137 years ago, then banned in America. This may have the highest remission rate of any therapy in the world.

Cancer Remedy #2: The rare plant extract used by President Reagan and by my own wife – an immune-system miracle that literally devours cancer cells!

Cancer Remedy #3: For lack of space, I didn’t even mention this one above. It was discovered by accident when a patient with pancreatic cancer – given only days to live – went into total remission and lived for years! Her good luck can be yours, too.

Cancer Remedy #4: 65,000 patients can’t be wrong! The Chinese learned about this therapy from a Swedish Nobel Prize winner, and they really went to town. But you can’t get it in North America.

Cancer Remedy #5: The “painkiller tree” is useful for cancer treatment AND prevention. You can buy it legally in America – and it might even rid you of arthritis pain!

Cancer Remedy #6: The “miracle mushroom” extract reportedly shrank a Texas man’s liver tumor by 90 percent -- after his doctor had given up on him! A study found that lung cancer patients on chemo who took this remedy survived at FOUR TIMES the rate of those who didn’t.

Cancer Remedy #7: Here’s another one I haven’t mentioned before! This doctor reports he can reverse cancer in nine out of ten patients. Read real-life case histories.

Cancer Remedy #8: A young Phoenix man with cancer returned home to spend his last days with his family. Instead, his father, an alternative doctor, steered him to this medical miracle!

Cancer Remedy #9: Discover what four out of five “spontaneous” cancer cures have in common. This therapy is natural, and you don’t need a prescription.

Cancer Remedy #10: JFK’s personal physician used it to cure his own colon cancer.

There you have it – ten clinically proven treatments that can give you an 80 percent chance of beating cancer – even in advanced cases.

Plus a BONUS CHAPTER that can
tip the odds in your favor even more

You can find and cure cancers up to 19 months before conventional medicine can detect them. Get the facts on the cutting-edge blood tests I describe in Chapter Eleven – common in Europe, almost unknown in North America.

Then you can get to work and tackle early-stage cancer with the immune-system boosters you’ll learn about in Natural Cancer Remedies that Work.

“For patients who come to me with early malignancies before undergoing any noxious therapies [radiation and chemotherapy], I achieve cancer remission for almost 98 percent of them.” That’s what Dr. Helmut Keller, inventor of Cancer Remedy #2, told me in a personal interview.

I saw the results for myself, and spoke to patients who give Dr. Keller credit for saving their lives.

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.

Examine the Special Report for eight weeks at no risk

Click on the “order” button and get your electronic, downloadable copy of Natural Cancer Remedies that Work today for only $29.95. You take absolutely no risk when you decide to examine the report. Just let us know you’re not satisfied any time during the first eight weeks and we’ll give you a FULL REFUND, no questions asked.

That’s about the best guarantee you’ll ever see. And it shows the confidence my publisher and I have in this vital information. We don’t think you’ll want to return this Special Report. More likely, you’ll want to give a copy to everyone you know.

Click below and order your copy at once.

Best wishes,

Morton Walker, DPM

P.S. Isn’t it wonderful there’s now so much hope, from all over the world, for cancer victims? But better yet, these safe, natural, herbal supplements could be the key to making sure you and those you love never get cancer in the first place! That’s what I do!

Click on “Order Now”
to get your electronic, downloadable copy of
Natural Cancer Remedies that Work
for only $29.95.





IF you or a loved one has Cancer, you are lucky to be here .

Hi, my name is Zemira Giannotti

About 2 years ago I went to the hospital with very severe pain in my abdomen. I was really scared because I'd never had any pain that was this bad before. I was even more upset when the doctors told me two days later they wanted to do an "exploratory operation" to see if they could find the problem. I was in shock when they told me I had cancer in my pancreas. Not not only did I have it in my pancreas, I also had the cancer in 22 of the surrounding lymph nodes. It was advised I have "palliative" chemotherapy just to extend my life span a little. My family and I talked about it and decided this wasn't what we wanted so we decided to try an alternative way to treat my cancer. I know now there was someone involved more than just my family and I in this decision because I am now cancer free! Thanks to one of the alternative treatments in the book, Cancer Cure Secrets, my cancer is not just in remission, but the doctors can find no trace of it! Thank you with all my heart!

Zemira Giannotti

Jane Jarvis both came up against cancer in her family and personal life.

As a result, she decided to devote her life to finding something better than what was offered to her.

She decided to find out what other treatments were available to those who were diagnosed with cancer, given no hope, or offered surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy as their only options.

She was astonished when she found out so many other options that were hidden and suppressed despite positive clinical trials and tens of thousands of positive testimonials.


She found:

Proven breakthroughs that effectively CURE CANCER!

Treatments so effective they KILL cancer cells with NO side effects. And fight cancer ANYWHERE in the body.

Too good to be true? You won't think so when you hear how these treatment work. It's rock solid and makes sense, even if you have never had a day of medical training.

There are breakthrough treatments used in Mexico but NOT ALLOWED in the United States. Why? The average hospital bill for treating cancer ranges from $250,000 to almost a million dollars. This could well be information the medical industry can't afford to let you hear about.

The major breakthroughs in this area will ASTOUND you.

Everyone NEEDS this information.

Here is a GREAT testament to what you will find in Cancer Cure Secrets:

My name is Viktor Amada.

I am 15 years old and I live in Italy. A year ago I had to go to the hospital after I hurt myself playing football. The doctor looked at my leg and did some tests that told me I had cancer. I didn't know very much about cancer but my mom explained more to me. The doctors told me I would need to have my leg amputated, then radiotherapy. I could not even think about life without my leg and not being able to play football or dance to disco again, or even walk. My parents talked with me about what we should do. I very much wanted to keep my leg so we decided to just do radiotherapy. A friend of the family told us about a different way to treat cancer that doctors don't know about that might help save my leg. I am so happy because I chose the different way to treat my cancer and I still have both legs! And I don't have cancer any more. The best thing is I can still play football!

Sincerely, Viktor Amada

We also provide you with GREAT NEWS about cancer prevention.

Did you know there is a simple treatment using micro currents that appears to prevent cancer? It can be used in the privacy of your own home and costs only pennies!

Imagine...a simple, inexpensive way to PREVENT CANCER! Now EVERYONE can have this simple protection in their own homes!

More on this in a moment...


We'll show you a cancer treatment that regularly delivers a 90% success rate. Nine out of ten cancer patients walk away with their illness CURED! Can you imagine asking your doctor or hospital for a cancer treatment that has a 90% success rate?

He or she would probably shake their head sadly and say, "No clinic in the world has a 90% success rate."

Guess what? These clinics DO exist and we'll tell you where they are!


Do you know anyone who has cancer?

Do you have cancer?

I sincerely hope you don't,

But if you did, wouldn't you like to use a clinic that had a 90% success rate?

I know I sure would!

How can you get the details about these amazing clinics?

That's what this E-book, Cancer Cure Secrets, is all about.

It is FILLED with the BEST-KEPT SECRETS about curing cancer (without using chemotherapy or radiation).

We give you the details about these cancer clinics that are quietly treating cancer with 90 to 100% success!

We also give you the "inside information" on the NEW BREED of SUPER SUPPLEMENTS that cures cancer for just a few hundred dollars. Isn't your life worth that much?

We'll show you how to find out MORE about these super supplements and where to buy them.

We ALSO show you a simple three-step cancer treatment using micro currents. This treatment is effective against ALL types of cancer and can be used in the privacy of your own home.


You get contact information for ALL of them.


Here is a small sample of secrets you will learn in this jam-packed E-book:

1. Get the hidden list of innovative cancer clinics that get almost complete success treating cancer, even in stage 4 and 5.

PLUS--we reveal details on an amazing doctor in Mexico who has a 98% success rate curing bone cancer.

2. You learn about the NEW BREED of super supplements that are helping thousands quietly CURE cancer for just a few hundred dollars. Compare that to the $300,000-$700,000 hospital charges for TREATMENT ONLY!

3. Learn about the exciting story of micro currents and how a simple electronic device that appears statistically to give you PROVEN remissions from cancer and many other diseases. This incredible electronic technology allows you to treat yourself in the comfort of your own home. TOTAL cost is about $2.00 per remission of symptoms. Plus it requires NO doctors, surgery, drugs, diets, medical bills, shots, herbs, or ANY outside intervention.

4. We'll tell you about a new MIRACLE MOLECULE that SUPER-CHARGES your immune system and increases your 'natural killer cells' 248%! (You will see a testimonial from a stage 5 cancer sufferer that used ONLY this molecule to completely recover).

5. You will also learn about a very special type of WATER that is helping to heal people all over the world. This special water carries nutrients, enzymes, and proteins into EVERY cell of your body. At the same time, it removes waste products from your cells to keep them SUPER healthy..

6. Learn about an "infusion treatment" using a chemotheraputic agent that is entirely NON-TOXIC. Experts say the results are just as powerful and definitive as the strongest chemotherapies but without ANY side effects!

7. Details about what may be one of the BEST ways to FIGHT cancer. A compound that is a proven anti-carcinogen, anti-mutagen, and anti-cancer initiator.

8. The NEW homeopathic cancer treatment showing PHENOMENAL results.

Now let me deliver on my earlier promise to fully explain how one of these miracle treatments work.

There are two genes that regulate cell growth: oncogenes that cause cells to divide and grow, and tumor suppressor genes. The suppressor genes STOP deadly cancer cells from dividing and growing. When you have a cancerous growth, the oncogenes are out of control and the tumor suppressor genes aren't doing their job.

The key to curing cancer is controlling, manipulating, and promoting proper and healthy balances among oncogenes and suppressor genes. Like anything else in nature, curing cancer has everything to do with creating and restoring the more perfect balance nature intended.


Do you know the REAL reason why your doctor never tells you about any of these treatments and cures? We will tell you exactly why!

The reasons will probably make you sad as well as angry!

Drug companies keep putting dangerous drugs out for cancer and other diseases. They turn their noses up at safer, cheaper, and more effective alternative treatments. The FDA keeps approving these dangerous drugs.

We explain why these things continue to happen!

These are just a few of the HIGHLY controversial subjects we give the inside scoop on.

Get Cancer Cure Secrets NOW and stop living in FEAR of cancer!

Cancer IS NOT and NEVER need be again a death sentence!

All you need is the CORRECT information and you CAN probably cure your cancer!

There are proven methods for preventing and surviving cancer.

Get your copy of this E-book NOW.

WHY wait?

Our iron-clad guarantee means NO RISK for you!!!

We promise you:

If you read AND use the information in this E-book, telling friends and family members about these treatments, you will SHIELD your body AND theirs against the ravages of cancer!

How much will it cost you to protect yourself with this type of information???

A LOW - $39.95.

For about the same cost as dinner and a movie, you can give yourself or a loved one something very valuable: Peace of mind. You will now have the means to put an end to the threat of cancer forever!


Consider that the AVERAGE cost of getting conventional treatment (Chemotherapy/radiation) is between $300,000 and $700,000 just for "treatment" and the doctors NEVER tell you that you have a 90 to 100% chance of complete recovery!

The information in this E-book will absolutely AMAZE you. You will NEVER look at cancer the same way and will NEVER have to fear Cancer again!

I want you to have the LATEST- life changing, life saving information because your life will NEVER be the same after reading it. Now you can help a suffering family member or simply satisify your own healthy curiosity about these cutting-edge cancer treatments! Get all the information in this ground-breaking E-book. Order now!!

Here is a simple guarantee for you:

If for ANY reason, after reading this E-book, you decide it's NOT what we said it is, or the information is NOT what you are looking for, we'll REFUND YOUR MONEY!

NO Time Limits, PERIOD.

A FULL lifetime unlimited money back guarantee.

It all boils down to just one thing:


Who do you know that can be healed with the knowledge AND use of this information?


"The best reference books on alternative cancer treatments.
What a treasure for cancer patients and caregivers!"

Bill Henderson, The author of Cancer Free and the Cancer Free Newsletter

Everything you ever wanted to know about alternative cancer treatment is contained in my unique guide.
Karon Beattie The author of
Natural Cancer Treatments That Work.

Learn about more than 350 drug-free, alternative cancer treatments used by thousands to aid their recovery from cancer:

  • Documented evidence that alternative cancer treatment works - over 2,000 testimonials.
  • Almost all treatments are non-specific, that is, they help with any cancer anywhere in the body
  • Treatments based on little-known scientific studies and inventions.
  • Amazing insights revealed - official statistics show that people with advanced breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer do not live longer after receiving chemotherapy.
  • There are alternatives to, and complementary therapies to use with, chemotherapy.
  • Discover best-priced and inexpensive sources of the treatments - some are free!
  • You can commence many alternative cancer treatments immediately.
  • All contained in a set of 4 e-Books and Reports quickly and easily downloadable to your computer.
  • 100% refund if you are not satisfied.
  • Order and download now and this vital information can be yours in less than 5 minutes!

Hi, I'm Karon, Karon's photo - Karon researched and wrote the alternative cancer treatment EBooks on this site.

If you're reading this, you're probably looking for answers, just like I was a while back. It was almost as if I had a sense that the answers must be out there somewhere and I was guided to find them.

I felt that if I looked hard enough, I'd find the missing links, the overlooked miracles, the plants and herbs provided by nature to help us heal. I cross checked sources of information and ploughed through everything on alternative cancer treatment that I could find. Even employing a team of researchers to gather information with me. We came up with 350 alternative cancer treatments, surprising even ourselves. It is the most comprehensive collection you will find anywhere in the world today.

Every one of the 350 alternative treatments gave us an 'Aha!' moment, as I am sure it will you. Whether you're looking to find out more about alternative cancer treatment for yourself, or on behalf of a loved one, my comprehensive guide has been designed to satisfy your quest for answers.

I know how powerless it feels, not knowing what the future holds. I had so many questions. As I searched for information on both conventional and alternative cancer treatments, I was shocked to find how so many alternative cancer treatments had been lost to public knowledge, or discredited, or forced underground.

You must make up your own mind about alternative cancer treatment but I sincerely urge you to own your own health and not hand it over to someone else to own. There is no-one on the face of the earth with more interest in your well-being than you yourself. You must take control of your own destiny and not leave it to others who have their own vested interests!

Unbelievable as it may seem, 18 months of research by a blue-ribbon research team shows there are over 350 existing natural and alternative cancer treatments. People have used these gentle and non-toxic treatments instead of or alongside conventional treatment, or after conventional treatment has failed.
What's more, thousands of people are using them RIGHT NOW and beating their cancer!

These findings are described in Natural Cancer Treatments. They include treatments like:

  • The 3 week cancer help program Designed by a Ph.D Biochemist.
    The Ph.D. biochemist who developed the program says cancer involves environmental toxins and toxins produced in the human body by certain parasites, fungi and bacteria. Unlike other research, she does not enumerate dozens of "possible contributors" to cancer, but names the exact factors that can be found in EVERY case of cancer, in EVERY tumor. And, more importantly, what you can do about it. Read all about it on page 251.
  • The 2 ingredient diet about which an oncologist said "this diet is far and away the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world". He further claimed that the inventor of the diet (a six-time Nobel Prize nominee) "demonstrated to my initial disbelief but lately, to my complete satisfaction in my practice is: CANCER IS EASILY CURABLE, the treatment is dietary/lifestyle, the response is immediate; the cancer cell is weak and vulnerable..." Read about the diet and how to prepare it on page 29.
  • The gentle and safe NIH-approved therapy that makes chemo drugs 10,000 more powerful!
    So you only need a micro dose. That means you avoid the toxic side-effects of standard chemo. Read about this treatment and how to find a physician near you qualified to administer the treatment, on page 272.

The creators of these gentle and non-toxic treatments are respected Nobel Prize winners, doctors, biochemists, scientists and Ph.D.'s pre-eminent in their fields. In fact, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Albert Schweizer called Dr. Max Gerson who created a very successful nutritional therapy "a medical genius who walked among us".

Your doctor may not be aware of these treatments because he or she can only prescribe and is knowledgeable about, treatments that are regulated by the FDA...many of these treatments involving herbs and vitamins are outside the jurisdiction of the FDA. Natural Cancer Treatments is a collection of over 350 natural and alternative cancer treatments. The more than 80% of surveyed oncologists who stated they would refuse chemotherapy if they had cancer would surely want the benefits of these treatments for themselves and their families. And now you will know the secrets too... page after page of eye-opening information that you can and should discuss with your doctor. Self-treatment is not recommended.

Most natural and alternative treatments are considered to be non-specific. In other words, they work with any cancer. You'll read about:

  • 30-40% success rate estimated for this English doctor using an Ayurvedic herbal mixture
    Pancreatic cancer -- alive 4 years on. Astounding since this is one of the most aggressive cancers
    Secondary melanoma - alive 2 years on. This case has shocked the medical world!
    Grade 4 brain tumor - alive 2 years on. Doctors are gobsmacked!
    Treatment is an Indian herbal medicine, a low-acid diet, up to 3 quarts of cooled boiled water daily, fresh vegetables and digestive enzymes. The doctor states that the herbs are "thought to work by making the body less acid and more alkaline, the idea being that cancer thrives in acid conditions..."
    The inexpensive and non-toxic herbal medicine is available on prescription in the U.K., and can be obtained elsewhere in the world for around $100 a month. It is also claimed to neutralise the toxicity produced by chemotherapy. See page 262 for results of the clinical trials and where to buy it.
  • The doctor who stated to millions on Australian television that he "cures more than 25% of his cancer patients"
    Thousands of past patients of Dr John Holt have formed a Support Group to help spread the word, embarrassing the medical authorities. His treatment utilizes a glucose-blocker and ultra high frequency radio waves, and lasts 3 weeks. NOTE: A major contraindication to UHF therapy is having had any form of chemotherapy. Former Western Australian Premier John Tonkin stated, "There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that this is the most advanced form of cancer treatment in the world today."
    Dr Holt is 80 years old and due to retire shortly.. Read about this treatment and where you can still get it on page 344
  • The doctor who used Whole Body Therapy to achieve the best survival figures for late-stage cancer patients ever published!
    " 85% 5-year survival with non-metastasized cancer patients
    " 16.6% 5-year survival with late-stage cancer patients
    " 15% 15-year survival with late-stage cancer patients
    An important part of his therapy was the extraction of dead teeth, root canals, and tonsils to achieve rapid improvement of the immune system. Another doctor, Dr. W. John Diamond, states "I have had a number of patients with breast cancer, all of whom had root canals on the tooth related to the breast area on the associated energy meridian." Please read more about the potential contribution of root canals and mercury amalgams to degenerative disease in the section Dental Cleanup on page 409
  • The successful treatment that was put on the American Cancer Society's Blacklist in the 1950's. Subsequent testing of this treatment in randomized trials at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center showed a 93 percent remission rate for advanced non-Hodgkin's lymphoma! The remission rate was only 29 percent for chemo!
    Other 5-year survival rates with this treatment:
    " 90% for bone cancer,
    " 65% for inoperable breast cancer,
    " 67% for Hodgkin's disease,
    " 69% for inoperable ovarian cancer,
    " 60% for inoperable malignant melanoma.
    See page 168 of Natural Cancer Treatments to discover one of the few places in the world where you can still obtain this treatment.

You, your doctor and your loved ones have a right to know about these treatments, so you can choose the treatment that works best for YOU.

Sadly, few of these treatments have been formally evaluated in human clinical trials. There is little financial gain in natural treatments that cannot be patented. But thousands of cancer survivors who have used them, including over 2,000 in I Beat Cancer! below, have found they worked!

Natural Cancer Treatments contains over 350 gentle and non-toxic treatments

You'll also learn about:
  • The nutritional supplement for which physicians are reporting complete remission of aggressive, stage IV cancers that have metastasized, as well as continued positive responses in other patients with previously chemo-resistant cancers. One treatment center has noted a 70% positive response rate in Stage IV cancer patients with most taking eight teaspoons of the supplement per day. One Stage IV breast cancer patient who refused chemo and radiation and was given two weeks to live by Hospice, got better with the help of this supplement. This supplement has also been shown to reduce the negative side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
Page 281
  • The substance that causes all pain associated with cancer to disappear within 12 to 36 hours (except in a very few cases where there is a morphine withdrawal problem that required a few more hours). In addition to the loss of pain, the physical results are a rapid shrinkage of the tumor masses.
Page 300
  • The unique device that is reported to reduce pain, raise energy levels, and increase survival. Apparently, many physicans are recommending it to their patients. This device increases the levels of negative ions of oxygen in the body's fluids and tissues, exactly as Nature produces. As two-time Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg said "Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment". Additionally, the device utilizes specific frequencies that may enhance your immune system and eradicate bacteria and viruses linked to your cancer.
Page 348
  • The non-toxic treatment that outperformed Taxol!
    This gentle, non-toxic treatment was found by the National Cancer Institute to outperform Taxol, the best-selling cancer drug in history. That's bad news for the drug makers. They'd lose tens of millions if this remedy became public knowledge. It's no wonder that drug companies have worked overtime to discredit this remedy.
Page 243
  • The combination of nutritional supplements claimed to completely stop the spread of cancer cells, effectively preventing metastasis. No conventional treatment exists that effectively controls metastasizing cancer.
    Read about the treatment in Natural Cancer Treatments, including a low cost source for the supplements. Also find directions to a website that offers you a free book to download as well as videos to view online of a patient whose brain tumor vanished completely, a patient whose lung cancer vanished completely, and a patient with bone cancer, a patient with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and two breast cancer patients all successfully treated with the supplements.
Page 256
  • The herb tea that President Kennedy's physician claims "cures cancer"
    In a review of 400 cases of mostly incurable cancer patients, another doctor declared "The actual results... and the rapidity of repair were absolutely marvellous and must be seen to convincingly confirm belief."
    This treatment can be made at home for 4 cents a day!
Page 60
  • The substance that reverses cachexia and can cause tumors to regress!
    Based on Nobel laureate Otto Warburg's theory that cancer gets its energy from glucose, this substance interferes with the cancer cells' commandeering glucose at the expense of the rest of the body " causing cachexia.
    Responses among 84 terminally ill cancer patients:
    " 70% subjective improvement including decreased pain, improved appetite, weight gain or stoppage of weight loss, and increased strength
    " 17% objective improvement, including tumor regression and disappearance of cancer related medical problems.
    A doctor at the NCI declared it to be "the most remarkable anti-cancer agent I have come across in my forty-five years of experience of cancer."
Page 267
  • The plant extract that killed human breast cancer cells within 16 hours!
    In laboratory experiments, this plant extract killed virtually all human breast cancer cells exposed to it in the test tube, within 16 hours. Just as importantly, nearly all of the normal cells exposed to it remained alive.
    A dog afflicted with a type of bone cancer known as osteosarcoma - so severe that it couldn't walk across the room - made a complete recovery within five days of receiving this treatment. X-rays showed the animal's tumor "had basically disappeared." Of course, this doesn't mean that humans with cancer will benefit in exactly the same way; but there's no reason to think it won't help you.
Page 85
  • Survival Rates more than DOUBLED!
    In well-run randomized trials, this drug-free therapy increased survival time by:
    " 64% in terminal cancer patients with inoperable cancer, and
    " 59% for patients with metastasized breast cancer who received chemotherapy
Page 362
  • The gentle, inexpensive DIY treatment for when you need to carry on as normal " with a 50-60% estimated success rate
    This London biochemist has been trying to get authorities to check out his treatment for 20 years. It apparently knocks out the mitochondria or 'energy centres' in cancer cells whilst leaving normal cells unharmed. It is backed up by over 50 research papers, and apparently has succeeded for breast cancer, colon cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, glioblastoma, pancreatic cancer, etc. A low cost source is identified for the 3 25mg tablets that need to be taken each day - working out around 60 cents a day!
Page 258
  • The across-the-counter supplement that nearly DOUBLED the tumor response rate for non-small cell lung cancer.
    And one-year survival was significantly higher in patients treated with the chemotherapy plus this supplement than in those who received chemotherapy alone (15 out of 34 vs. 7 out of 36).
Page 199
  • The plant extract that Ronald Reagan used to prevent metastases after his 1985 colon surgery for malignant polyps. It is rumored that Nancy Reagan also uses this extract to avoid any recurrence of her breast cancer. Twenty years ago, the extract - which enhances the immune system response - had to be sent over from Germany but now it is available in the U.S.
Page 91
  • The mushroom that halted tumor growth by 99% and had a success rate of 90%!
    When scientists at Japanese University Medical Schools tested this mushroom on mice with cancer, they found it halted tumor growth by 99% and had a success rate of 90%! Of course, this doesn't mean that humans with cancer will benefit in exactly the same way; but there's no reason to think it won't help you. The local people who eat this mushroom call it God's Mushroom and enjoy a lower rate of cancer and other adult diseases.
Page 132
  • The substance that allows you to keep your hair, if you decide to undertake chemotherapy.
    Laboratory tests showed this substance used in Japanese hospitals was able to reduce hair loss to "slight" rather than "severe", inhibit metastases, improve survival, and relieve other side effects of chemotherapy.
Page 134
  • The vitamin that helped treat an untreatable form of lung cancer. Nine men with an untreatable form of lung cancer (metastatic, squamous-cell lung carcinoma) were given a special form of this vitamin without other medical intervention. Fifteen months later, the men's immune function had improved and significant progress against the tumor had been made.
Page 203
  • The treatment that "cooks tumors to death" without harming surrounding tissue. In studies on inoperable patients for whom chemotherapy and radiation had failed, survival was:
    Non-small cell lung cancer - 91% at both one year and eighteen months.
    Colorectal metastases to the lung - 88% at one year and 82% at eighteen months.
    Hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer - 85.6% at 1 year, 62.6% at 2 years, 46.8% at 3 years, 29.1% at 4 years, and 24.1% at 5 years.
    Liver metastases from breast cancer - 95.5% at 1 year, 77.3% at 2 years, 49.6% at 3 years, and 29.8% at 5 years. Liver cancer with cirrhosis of the liver - 98.7% at 1 year, 95.7% at 2 years, 87.5% at 3 years, 78.1% at 4 years, 64.5% at 5 years, 57.3% at 6 years, and 45.9% at 7 years.
Page 356
  • The ointment that thousands have reported has easily healed their skin cancer without pain or disfigurement - basal cell cancer, squamous cell epitheliomas, and even melanomas - regardless of type or size. The original manufacturer's website contains many video and written testimonials. A free movie is also available on the most relevant health topic today: How Healing Becomes a Crime.
Page 329
  • The patented soup full of cancer-fighting ingredients which the inventor used to reverse his mother's stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. A doctor states "More than half of the desperate stage-IV cancer patients had their condition significantly improved after they took it," he said. "This is amazing considering the fact that these are people doomed to die in the eyes of a conventional oncologist. In my 20 years experience as a cancer doctor, [this] is the best single drug in use for being most effective and least toxic."! Various other types of cancer have also benefited from the treatment.
Page 146
  • The anti-cancer powder that costs only 50 cents a day!
    This Australian farmer got rid of his and others' cancer and arthritis using a powdered mixture of several different chemicals available at the farmers' store.
    He noticed that his flock developed cancerous lesions when grazing where there was a surplus of superphosphate. Trained in chemistry, he developed an alkalizing mixture which reversed the condition. And together with a low phosphorus diet, used it successfully to treat his own sarcoma and melanomas, his wife's uterine cancer, and help many others with prostate cancer, glioma glioblastoma, skin cancer, etc.
Page 279
  • The 'miraculous' mineral found in large amounts in the healing waters at Lourdes, France
    Remember that two-time Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg said "Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment", well, this mineral introduces oxygen into the body! One wonders if it is responsible for the healing miracles at Lourdes.
    A 54 year old man had a large bean-sized cancerous growth on the right lung. He took anticancer drugs, lost his appetite, and was losing his strength. Five weeks after taking 500 mg of this substance daily, X-rays showed absolutely no trace of cancer, the dry cough had disappeared and he had returned to his former state of good health.
    You do not have to travel all the way to Lourdes, see Natural Cancer Treatments for a source of this substance in the U.S.
Page 226
  • The herbal concoction that was declared by a Judge in Federal Court to be "comparable to surgery, radium and x-ray" in its effectiveness, without the destructive side-effects of those treatments!
Page 64
  • A substance that helps achieve an 80% reversal rate for advanced lung cancer!
    Clinical trials at a China university found that conventional chemotherapy for lung cancer was approximately 10% effective. The same chemotherapy with the addition of 3 grams of this substance per day, boosted the effectiveness to over 80%!
Page 137
  • The extract that resulted in a "dramatic response" for a hormone refractory prostate cancer patient with rapidly progressive bone metastasis. A research team also found that the extract suppressed solid tumor sarcoma by 96.7% in a mouse model! The same extract is also reported to significantly reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy and enhance the results.
Page 144
  • A common antibiotic that eliminates liver cancer, according to scientists at Stanford University School of Medicine
    It returns existing cancer cells to normal! Also, the same antibiotic has been noted in previous mice studies to:
    " Reduce bone metastases resulting from breast cancer and prostate cancer by 70%
    " Halt bone loss
    " Promote the growth of new bone tissue.
    Of course, this doesn't mean that humans with liver cancer, breast cancer or prostate cancer will benefit in exactly the same way; but there's no reason to think it won't help you. A research doctor stated it "not only shrunk breast and prostate tumors that had metastasized to the bone, but it also showed an ability to prevent the spread of cancer in the first place."
Page 397
  • The supplement that eliminates chemo fatigue
    This supplement helped chemo patients to get rid of their fatigue within a week.
Page 194
  • The substance that completely resolved small breast cancer lesions
    "The initial 9 patients studied had malignant carcinoma of the breast. Always when [the substance] was administered intra-lesionally, the size of the lesion was strikingly reduced in as short a period as 5 days. In small lesions, resolution was complete, whereas in large lesions, resolutions was partial." From Cancer - Melanoma: DiLuzio N.R. Williams D.L. et al.
Page 137
  • The substance that can protect you against radiation damage
    A doctor writes "Over the past 11 months, I have been able to convince five out of eight breast cancer patients who were undergoing radiation therapy, to consume one capsule three times per day. To date, I have observed that none of the patients using it have suffered from any type of radiation injury to the skin, while the three patients who chose not to use [the substance] all show signs of extensive radiation damage to the skin."
Page 137
  • The home-made extract from a common tropical fruit tree reported to be "a million times stronger than the strongest anti-cancer drug".
    If you live in the tropics, you will be interested to know that this treatment can easily be made by boiling the leaves and twigs of these trees that are plentiful there. For free. Many people pronounced "incurable" have claimed it has rid them of their cancer. Of course, discuss this treatment as with all the above treatments, with your doctor first.
Page 112
And much more...
I Beat Cancer! is a collection of over 2,000 cases of ordinary people who got rid of their cancer with the natural and alternative cancer treatments described in Natural Cancer Treatments. It contains every testimonial on the Internet, saving you months of valuable searching time.
Look up your cancer to see what other cancer sufferers used to beat their cancer. It may work for you as well!
I Beat Cancer! is in the form of a directory to allow easy searching and cross-referencing.
Breast cancer 277 cancer winners' stories
Prostate cancer 196 cancer winners' stories
Lung cancer 156 cancer winners' stories
Colon cancer 104 cancer winners' stories
Skin cancer 109 cancer winners' stories
Brain & spinal cord cancers 131 cancer winners' stories
Liver cancer 104 cancer winners' stories
Leukemia 36 cancer winners' stories
Non-Hodgkin's & lymphomas 89 cancer winners' stories
Ovarian cancer 66 cancer winners' stories
Melanoma 53 cancer winners' stories
Cervical cancer 47 cancer winners' stories
Bone cancer 45 cancer winners' stories
Pancreatic cancer 45 cancer winners' stories
Stomach cancer 50 cancer winners' stories
Bladder cancer 36 cancer winners' stories
Mesothelioma 10 cancer winners' stories

You could be reading this
downloadable e-book
within minutes

And many more...

An example looks like this:

It is in order of cancer type, person, what that person used to beat their cancer, followed by the hyperlink so you can go directly to the Internet and read their story. This is a unique offering not available anywhere else in hard copy or on the Internet!

How Successful Are Conventional Cancer Treatments? is an analysis of the scientific studies conventional treatments are based on, and a lot more!
Read this Report before you have surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Be fully informed before you consent to treatment!

Today, the percentage of Americans dying from cancer is about the same as it was in 1950, even after being adjusted for age. Despite this fact, the medical profession takes much pride in the rigorous scientific research that underpins its approach to cancer treatment.

This Report contains numerous important statements and conclusions regarding cancer treatment today that you must discuss with your doctor. They come from medical and scientific publications and highly qualified experts. I have no doubt these assertions will surprise and unsettle you, but they will be useful to you and your doctor as you search for additional knowledge to beat your cancer.

  • Conventional treatment for breast cancer does not appear to improve long-term survival rates " and may actually hasten relapse or death.
    All types and combinations of conventional breast cancer treatment appear to result in the same low long-term survival rates. Even worse, Michael Baum, M.D., a leading British breast cancer surgeon, found that breast cancer surgery tends to increase the risk of relapse or death within three years. He also linked surgery to the accelerated spread of cancer, which it does by forming metastases in other parts of the body.
Page 11
  • There is no difference in the survival rates for those who had surgery for prostate cancer and controls who did not!
    This follows earlier reports that radical surgery for prostate cancer also tends to spread the disease. In addition, those who had surgery suffered more morbidity effects such as impotence or incontinence.
Page 12
  • Keep Your Breasts! Mastectomy survival rates are NOT better than less radical solutions. In a landmark study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers reported that the 20-year survival rates were virtually identical for women who underwent a mastectomy versus less radical surgery, "Whether a woman decides to preserve her breast or not," said one researcher, "the chances of being alive and free of cancer 20 years from now are the same."
Page 10
  • "Cancer drugs are only effective in a quarter of patients"!
    This bombshell was dropped to the public by Dr. Allen Roses, worldwide vice-president of genetics at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in December 2003. Discover a breakthrough test that will show you which chemo drugs or other substances WILL work for you.
    A cancer survivor who had this test says "Don't do chemo without this test first! I think it should be on every news program in the world. People need to know about this before they are in the position of needing it... because too many doctors rush a newly diagnosed patient into a chemotherapy treatment without giving information about options. And when you're scared and pressured, you'll do whatever you're told. If I hadn't had a "touchy" body, hadn't faced the fact that doctors and medicine are not perfect, and hadn't read so much about medicine, I'd have sat in a chair and put out my arm for an IV filled with CHOP one minute after being diagnosed. Because of ignorance. I don't want that to happen to anybody! Ever!!!"
Page 21

And much more...

Who Can Help Me when I Have Cancer? contains a helping hand of caring people and organizations you can contact RIGHT NOW:

  • Organizations that can give you financial support to help with your cancer treatment.
  • Organizations that will assist you in finding a sympathetic, supportive physician near you, one that is knowledgeable and open-minded on the use of natural and alternative cancer treatments.
  • This organization can help you with a self-help Cancer Kit and mentor program. The Kit helps people with cancer to find the very best support, make really good treatment decisions and form effective self-help strategies. It also contains a carer's guide, giving useful advice plus self-help strategies to prevent carer burn-out.
  • This organization offers you a simple, drug-free technique to help you deal with the trauma of cancer.
    Based on impressive new discoveries involving the body's subtle energies, this technique has been clinically effective in thousands of cases of emotional problems and physical symptoms.
    Properly applied, over 80% achieve either noticeable improvement or complete cessation of the problem. Read the results of a small cancer study, and more about this self-empowering technique in Who Can Help Me when I Have Cancer?

And much more...

The costs cancer patients pay for conventional treatment often run to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
But, thanks to the reduced costs involved with distributing it on the internet and our sincere wish to HELP as many cancer sufferers as possible, immediate access to Natural Cancer Treatments is set at the low price of $49.97! And the best part is, the other e-books worth almost $90 will be given to you for FREE!

I'm sure you will agree this is an incredible offer designed to get this information to the maximum number of people who need it.

You could be reading the full set of informative e-books and reports shown below within minutes!

Natural Cancer Treatments
The most comprehensive book of its kind you will find anywhere in the world " over 350 treatments and 400 pages fully-indexed with a comprehensive table of contents to quickly locate information that is relevant to you, your friend, or a loved one.

Normal price = $117.
Now only

I Beat Cancer!
A directory of over 2,000 cases including every testimonial available on the internet " people telling their own stories of how they beat their cancer with natural and alternative treatments. You can read their story immediately. All cancer types are covered. Around 300 testimonials for breast cancer! Around 200 testimonials for prostate cancer!

Value = $39.97.
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How Successful are Conventional Cancer Treatments?
An inside look at the scientific basis for conventional cancer treatments. The observations and studies from experts will startle and unsettle you but will help you on your own quest for answers and additional knowledge to conquer your cancer.

Value = $29.97.
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Who Can Help Me When I Have Cancer?
This Report will immediately put you in touch with people who CARE and can offer effective help to assist you to beat your cancer.

Value = $19.97.
You get it for FREE

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