Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cure Yourself Of Cancer With This Immunity Booster

Immunity boosters can keep you healthy and full of energy. A run down immune system leaves you body vulnerable to all manner of diseases and illnesses, including cancer. Everyone has cancer cells in the body at all times. It is the role of the immune system to get rid of them. However, when the immune system is otherwise engaged in fighting stress, overcoming difficult living conditions like a stressful marriage, a hated job or the death of a loved one, the immune system becomes depressed and its ability to fight disease and cancer is diminished.

The good news is that there are ways to boost your own immunity and stay healthy.

Keeping the body's immune system active and at maximum efficiency is one of the keys to good health. A fairly self-evident statement perhaps and yet many people have life styles that, far from sustaining the immune system, actually damage it.

Your immune system's first line of defence is right on the surface of the skin (oils) and in the mouth (saliva), eyes (tears) and nasal orifices. Here, the system tries to repel foreign and threatening organisms. Anything getting past the defence mechanisms of the mouth are attacked by stomach acid and intestinal bacteria.

The strongest "invaders" that get past the first line of defence, trigger special cells whose function is to literally eat up the bacteria. These, in turn, signal other cells to seek out and destroy the "invaders". Some cells are even genetically built to handle only specific attacks and will hunt out and destroy any foreign bodies or cells that the body does not recognise.

There are some very specific sites for the production of infection fighting cells:

Bone marrow - makes white blood cells

Thymus gland - produces T-lymphocytes for virus protection

Lymph nodes - produce white blood cells

Spleen - its white blood cells clean the blood of infection

If any of the defense centres are damaged or not functioning properly, the effectiveness of the whole immune system is compromised and the body is made more vulnerable to invasion by dangerous organisms.

A fully working and maintained immune system will mean fewer illnesses, protection from cancer, slower aging, reduced stress, increased energy and quicker recovery.

The route to boosting your immune system is not a difficult one and it is not surprising that diet and exercise form key parts of the process.

Your diet should be well balanced and avoid all saturated fats and as much polyunsaturates as possible with the exception of some fish oil such as tuna, mackerel etc whose oils can actually improve immune activity.

It will be no surprise that fruits and vegetables form an important part of a well balanced, immune system boosting, diet. These contain Vitamin C and beta carotene both of which increase the potency of white blood cells. Citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, dark leafy greens, broccoli, spinach, red and orange sweet peppers are all good sources of Vitamin C and/or beta carotene.

Two vital ingredients in your balanced diet are garlic and yoghurt both of which stimulate the macrophages (the cells that eat the invaders) and other cells targeting such things as viruses and cancer cells.

There is nothing wrong with taking supplements in moderation. These should include Vitamins A, C and E (the antioxidants) and B6 Zinc and iron are also useful in helping to boost immunity. Always retain a balance with supplements as very large doses can actually have an opposite effect and suppress the immune function. Make sure you inform your doctor about all the supplements you are taking.

Regular but moderate exercise is vital in boosting the immune function as this will increase blood-flow and, thereby, accelerate the movement of immune cells around the body. This, in turn, will increase the production of endorphins which create an all round feeling of well-being.

Another spin of, from exercise is to raise body heat and stimulate reaction from the immune system.
Avoid strenuous exercise which can actually have a suppressing affect. Stress is also an immune system depressant and time should be taken each day to relax and meditate.

The consumption of alcohol and smoking are extremely toxic to the immune system though it is said that a little wine can boost resistance. Both should be avoided.

The road to a strong immune system, good health and the ability to fight of the infections taking out everyone else, is a simple one. Follow it and you will immediately start to feel the positive effects and to know that you are also reducing your real age and, therefore, increasing your life expectancy.

Sleep is another important factor in bringing your immune system to its maximum efficiency for, in the deepest sleep, the pituitary gland increases production of the growth hormone which then stimulates the thymus gland. This gland has a key role in the immune system it that it ‘programs' the thymus mediated killer cells (T cells ) which are the very root of the immune system.

About the author.

Dr Magne has been researching the origins and causes of disease and cancer for the past 25 years

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cancer Cure Is Available But Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About It

The public is warned against getting information from the internet on curing cancer. New headlines blared that cancer sites posed a health risk. The real reason the media are attacking cancer websites is because the internet is the only place people can go to actually learn the truth about the cancer industry and cures for cancer that don't involve chemotherapy, surgeries, or other radical procedures offered by western medicine. Organized medicine is learning the hard way that people are educating themselves about cancer and about alternatives to treating this disease, and that scares the industry because it threatens profits.Ideally what the industry wants is a form of censorship -- they want websites to be flagged to indicate which ones are "official" cancer websites.
What's amazing about all this is the level of ignorance they show when they say there is no evidence that any complementary treatment can prevent cancer. In fact, there is a tremendous amount of evidence. And much of that evidence is published in traditional medical journals – so far there is compelling evidence showing nutritional approaches to both preventing and reversing cancer.
There are a great number of complementary treatments that are proven not only to be effective, but far more effective than anything that western medicine can offer. Survival rates for cancers treated by western medicine of patients undergoing chemotherapy are measured in months, not even years. In fact, chemotherapy is largely a fraud. There is no evidence that chemotherapy increases overall lifespan at all. Chemotherapy is only measured a success by the degree to which it shrinks tumors, and tumor shrinkage is not strongly correlated with enhanced life expectancy of the patient.
That's because cancer is not a local disease, it is a system disorder -- it is a failure of the patient's immune system and it is present throughout the body, not just in one place that can be surgically removed. Chemotherapy destroys a patient's immune system, and this is precisely the opposite of what needs to take place in order to prevent cancer. A patient's immune system needs to be boosted through mind-body medicine, nutritional therapies, physical exercise, herbal remedies, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, and other forms of therapy.
The cancer industry wants to prevent new treatments that actually work but are suppressed at every opportunity. Today, people who are diagnosed with cancer have no better survival rate than a person who avoids western medicine treatments. In fact, there are people who change their lifestyle, who learn about nutrition, take anti-cancer herbs. Alternative medicine and natural healing approaches are inexpensive: they are safe to use, they are widely used throughout the world, and they've been proven safe through thousands of years of effective use by various populations of the world who know far more about medicine and healing than our so-called "high-tech" system of modern medicine.
It is time that you learned about the cure for cancer that is available to you today!!! Visit to claim a FREE report on the 10 Ways to Cure Cancer and read the results of my 25 years of research in ways to cure cancer to promote spontaneous remission.
About the author.
Dr Magne has been researching the origins and causes of disease and cancer for the past 25 years

Breast Cancer, Prevention Is The Cure

ctober has been Breast Cancer Awareness month since 1985. In the coming days, pink ribbons will emerge in abundance, symbolizing the efforts of educational and fund raising events that take place to find the “cure”, and offering hope to those already diagnosed. These local and national events will generate millions of dollars. As the “Race for the Cure” continues, how can women incorporate preventative measures into their daily lives? Prevention is the hope that you will not be one of the growing numbers of women being diagnosed with breast cancer each year.
Women are repeatedly told that “early detection is the best protection”. Early detection is vital if you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, but this is not the same as prevention. While researching for this article, I realized that “early detection” is often confused with actual “prevention”.
Sue Macleod, a breast cancer survivor and health care professional, observes that since the petro-chemical era of the 1930’s, the incidence of breast cancer has risen from 1 in 50 women to 1 in 8 by the year 2000. To date, research continues to explore the links between breast cancer and the environment. The study, “State of the Evidence: What is the Connection Between Chemicals and Breast Cancer?” presented by the Breast Cancer Fund and Breast Cancer Action explores and summarizes the research about links between breast cancer and the environment. The document points out that we can no longer ignore the increasing evidence that repeated exposure to certain chemicals are contributing to the rising incidence of breast cancer each year. Chemicals such as parabans, pesticides, cleansers and pharmaceutical drugs act like estrogens in our bodies. This is troubling, because a woman’s vulnerability to breast cancer increases as her lifetime exposure to estrogen increases.
The mounting evidence linking synthetic chemicals to the rising rates of breast cancer is empowering women to make healthy choices in their everyday lives. These choices are preventative.
What can be done to prevent breast cancer and minimize risk?
• Choose 100% pure, synthetic chemical free cosmetics. Individuals can make healthy choices regarding the personal products they use daily. Many of these, including lotions, cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners, contain chemicals that have been linked to breast cancer. According to industry estimates, on any given day, a woman may use as many as 25 different cosmetic and personal care products containing more than 200 different chemical compounds. Avoid rubbing these toxic cocktails into your skin by choosing healthy, organic and natural products.
• Be a more informed consumer. Ask critical questions about “pink ribbon promotions” before you purchase a product. The cosmetic industry has been criticized for raising money for breast cancer research by promoting products that may actually contribute to the rising tide of breast cancer. See for ways to demand safer products from cosmetic companies.
• Include high dietary intake of carotenes: dark leafy greens and green and yellow produce.
• Eat foods rich in Vitamin E and Selenium: sunflower seeds, freshly ground wheat, olive oil, flax oil, garlic, onions, and mushrooms.
• Reduce consumption of animal foods that contain hormones, such as milk, chicken, beef, and pork.
• Increase consumption of organically grown foods.
• Create sufficient consumption of Vitamin D: sunlight, 10 minutes daily; sardines and tuna.
• Discover what really moves you and keep moving: gardening, yoga, dance, walking, etc.
• Reduce or eliminate the use of plastic containers for food storage.
• Avoid unnecessary radiation; radiation is cumulative over a lifetime.
• Avoid using pesticides (weed killers, insecticides, etc) in your yard or home.
Join community action groups that support organizations that are investing in research that focus on cause and prevention. Support the “race for the cause”.
So when you see those pink ribbons emerge this month, consider that they proclaim “Prevention is the Cure”. Laura Weinberg, co-president of The Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition says it best, “The old pink ribbon is hope for the future. This pink ribbon is saying there is something we can do today.”
Breast Cancer? Breast Health, Susan WeedState of Evidence,, www.breastcancerfund.orgPathways to Prevention, The Breast Cancer FundStop Cancer.orgCancer risk: Could beauty products have an ugly side? Sue Hutchinson, San Jose Mercury News, September 20 2005.Use With Discretion, India Statesman, Women’s Feature Service, September 4, 2005
About the author
Pamela Cronan-Maddox, herself an ovarian cancer Survivor, is the visionary and president of The Alchemist’s Apprentice, Inc., an online apothecary dedicated to providing 100% pure, organic and healthy personal care products

A Natural Cure For Cancer

Do you realize that one of the most powerful cures for cancer is right over your head each and every day, free of charge? It's sunlight, which is astounding in its ability to prevent and cure cancer. If it were a mainstream drug, it would probably make the cover of Time magazine and be heralded as the greatest medical breakthrough in the history of modern science. It's that good.
The funny thing is that you’ve most likely heard that the sun is dangerous, causes skin deterioration and skin cancer such as melanoma. However, the healing powers of sunlight are essential and often misunderstood.
Sunlight exposure reduces the risk of many cancers by more than 50% and even helps reverse certain types of cancers through the creation of vitamin D in the body. It's a magnificent natural healing modality, and it's been right over our head every single day. Nature has a way to provide us with everything we need for our well-being. And sunlight is essential to our health. There is even a “syndrome” caused by lack of sunlight in winter in the Northern countries that affects people’s personality, their moods and eventually their health. Yet somehow, after spending billions of dollars on so-called medical research to find "cures" for various cancers, almost no one from the world of mainstream medicine has yet acknowledged the healing power of natural sunlight and vitamin D.
None of them have actually prescribed sunlight to patients, except for perhaps a handful of pioneering researchers. By and large, the medical community has not only ignored this truly miraculous cure for many types of cancer; it has worked hard to discredit it.
If there were ever a reason to lose faith in conventional medicine, or so-called modern medicine, it is simply the fact that one of the greatest cures and prevention strategies for cancer goes completely ignored by nearly the entire conventional medical community. It's as if there were a miracle medicine invented, but conventional medical doctors didn't want anyone to find out about it. Why aren't researchers promoting cures that are available for free?
When nature offers a cure that's not likely to produce billions of dollars in revenue like the cancer drug industry, the benefit of the cure are downplayed. A drug company will only promote cures that it can patent and exploit for financial gain. The way it perpetuates the cycle is to make sure that the cancer treatments it controls get a lot more press and hype than any natural treatments. You don't see sunlight promoted in full-page advertisements for its ability to prevent or reverse cancer. Instead, the medical community uses the full-page advertisement for high-profit prescription drugs that have negative side effects and actually kill people.
However, all of us have the power to heal our bodies. Healing is something the patient does, not the doctor. Healing occurs within. Healing is based on faith, on intention and the power of the mind. If you would like to learn more about using your mind to heal your body of cancer, find all the solutions and the results of 25 years of study in Cancer-Free-For-Life.