Monday, October 27, 2008

A Cure For Cancer: Can We Hope?

Frequently, the interaction between illness and treatment is described as a battle or a war. If we hold that analogy, then cancer can best be described as a civil war. A cancerous cell operates as if it believes that martial law has been declared in the body. Sadly, because we cling to this confrontational mindset, curing cancer becomes very difficult.

The term cancer actually describes a vast number of different conditions, all resulting from the same basic problem: there is a malfunction with the instructions held within the DNA of a cell and curing cancer is a distant dream.

The natural process of life ensures that a large portion of our cells are replaced as they wear out. According to many estimates, ninety-nine percent of our cells are different today than they were last year. Many of these cells are simply duplications of previous cells, which are constantly dividing.

This duplication is what allows us to live as long as we do, as damaged and worn out cells are replaced with new and healthy cells. When something goes wrong with the duplication process, however, it has the opposite effect.

The fact that this problem even exists is actually incredible in its own way, because DNA contain enzymes to repair damaged DNA. These enzymes are designed to proofread the instructions in cells to prevent incorrect copying, remove damaged portions and insert correct replacements and generally ensure that the cells don’t go haywire.

So, when a cell manages to get around the built in protection enzymes, the cell can quickly become lethal. The damaged portion of the instructions tells the cell to divide endlessly. Every duplicate cell has the same damaged instructions and divides endlessly, which can quickly become a problem.

The current mindset of Western medicine is to treat cancer as if it is a foreign invader, coming into the body and wreaking havoc. Because cancer is a part of our body, gone awry, this mindset has not been very successful.

Traditional cancer treatments, especially radiation and chemotherapy, are poisonous to cancer cells…which are like our healthy cells, only haywire…so they are also poisonous to our healthy cells. In effect, the traditional treatments for healing cancer count on the fact that they will poison and kill the cancer cells before they poison and kill the rest of the patient.

Curing cancer can only occur by accepting the fact that those cells are a part of us, embracing those cells and looking to heal them, not destroy them. It isn’t possible to destroy cancerous cells without also killing healthy cells.

An amazing variety of alternative treatments exist, although it isn’t likely that you’ll hear much about it from your doctor. This isn’t necessarily because your doctor is anti-alternative medicine, or part of a vast health care conspiracy: it’s highly possible that your doctor just isn’t well versed in the options available to you. You need to take the responsibility for your own care and look into the highly-effective, non-toxic, alternative therapies available to you in order to heal cancer.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is Tamoxifen Effective In Curing Breast Cancer?

Tamoxifen, known in the trade as Nolvadex, is usually prescribed by specialists in breast cancer and is taken in pill form. A patient will stay on the drug for about five years.

Often the woman's cancer will be tested to see if it is sensitive to the amount of oestrogen in the system. If the cancer is oestrogen sensitive, tamoxifen will be given.

Because tamoxifen is such a weak estrogen, its estrogen signals don't stimulate very much cell growth. And because it has stolen the place away from more powerful estrogen, it blocks estrogen-stimulated cancer cell growth. In this way, tamoxifen acts like an "anti-estrogen."

Tamoxifen may also take the place of natural estrogen in the receptors of healthy breast cells. In that way it holds down growth activity, and possibly stops abnormal growth and the development of a totally new breast cancer. By blocking natural estrogen from getting to the receptors, tamoxifen is helpful in reducing the risk of breast cancer in women at high risk who have never had breast cancer. It also can help women who have already had breast cancer in one breast by lowering the risk of a new breast cancer forming in the other breast.

One study found that radiation plus tamoxifen was much better than tamoxifen alone at reducing the risk of breast cancer coming back after a lumpectomy in women with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. This was true even for women with very small cancers.

For pre-menopausal women, tamoxifen is the best hormonal therapy. But tamoxifen is no longer the first choice for post-menopausal women. If you've been on tamoxifen for two to three years and now you're in menopause, your doctor may recommend that you switch to an aromatase inhibitor to finish your five years of hormonal therapy. However, you can still get a lot of benefit if you take tamoxifen for up to five years and then switch to an aromatase inhibitor.

Tamoxifen was first used to fight breast cancer at the Christie Hospital in Manchester, England, in 1969. It has since proved its worth as means of stopping the spread or recurrence of the disease in women who have already been treated for it.

But, it was noticed back in the early 1980s that some women who were receiving the drug for cancer in one breast did not develop any tumorous growth in the other. This prompted the suggestion that Tamoxifen might have another preventative role for those women who are at risk of getting breast cancer but have yet to develop any signs of the disease.

The Key To Curing Cancer Today

The key is to LIVE in the present moment, but know that you are creating your future in this moment. What you are looking for is balance in your thinking. In other words, living in the present moment while giving thought to something you desire and expecting it.

The idea of choosing what you desire and following your dreams can bring you closer to curing yourself of cancer. What stops many people from developing health is that they are afraid that their way of doing something it will not be good enough or accepted. They compare what comes from them naturally with what is considered the norm. We spend much of our days following and doing what we have come to believe we need to do, rather than what truly excites us and what would, for that very reason, end up bringing us the joy we seek.

We must truly expect to experience enormous joy and happiness in our lives yet the first concern we have in the morning upon wakening is to be on time to a job that does not bring us joy and excitement! If seventy percent of your days are filled with activities that do not bring you joy, excitement and love, then the remaining thirty- percent cannot compensate for that. Your life will be spent in unhappiness and stress, both aspects which have been shown to depress the immune system and bring on disease.

The more time you spend doing things that do not truly bring us joy and excitement, the more growing unhappiness, and this ends up bringing us more stress and disease.

All change comes from the inside. Trying to change things using the outside-in approach is always doomed to failure. As you begin to search for and follow your joy and excitement you may feel this process appears a bit selfish. To start healing yourself of cancer and disease, you must start by allowing yourself the freedom to find your joy and excitement.

Following your joy is not one large step, like quitting your job and spending your days sitting under a tree. That is not following your joy - that is escaping. There is a big difference between following the things that truly excite you and doing things to escape from a life that does not bring you joy.

The trick is to find, in the present moment, the things that would bring you the most excitement, and then do whatever you can to follow that excitement, even in the smallest way. This causes a chain reaction that brings you more opportunities to do what you love to do.

Whenever you follow your joy it will turn out to be the most rewarding thing at the end. When you follow your true joy, wherever that leads you, and even if it changes from time to time, then the details will work themselves out on their own.

You do not have to know the details or how do anything to become health. All you have to do is focus on what you want. You need to trust yourself and the Power within you that you can truly follow your joy and do things in a way that bring you joy and have it all work out.

The greatest obstacle to happiness is not living in the present moment and not following your joy. The solution is to do just the opposite. If you find yourself focusing on the past or the future, remind yourself that the present moment is all there is, and then surrender to what is and see how life suddenly starts working for you.