Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Concerns increase the risk of cancer

Basic cancer treatment consists of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

These are designed to kill cancer cells, shrink cancerous tumors, and remove tumors or the organs they have overrun. Removing cancer is a good idea so it does not continue to spread. However, nothing is mentioned about stopping cancer at its source so it never recurs. This has encouraged researchers and the public to think “outside the box” to have a better understanding of cancer and the body.

Because chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery for cancer have risks of their own, alternative cancer therapies are highly sought after by a public that is willing to do its homework and find out all that is available. Dr. Ralph Moss has a unique referral service for people interested in researching their options. He has an online information site called “The Moss Reports.”

Spontaneous healings have caught the attention of scientists who have looked for similarities among cancer survivors. The Institute of Noetic Sciences published their findings in a book titled, Spontaneous Remission: An Annoted Bibliography.

Keeping the immune system healthy is one of the most important ways to help the body fight cancer on its own. Under normal circumstances, the immune system prevents damaged DNA from allowing cells to proliferate.

Addressing the above mentioned risk factors is important in keeping the immune system healthy whether or not someone has a cancer diagnosis:

Personal habits: smoking, drinking, drug use, overeating, poor nutrition, little or no exercise, overpowering emotions, negative emotional/behavior patterns, and social/spiritual isolation all stress the body and weaken the immune system

The immune system should not be burdened with unhealthy stimuli since it becomes distracted from the ever important job of destroying cancer cells.

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